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7 septembre 2007

An autonomous Western Sahara and integral part of Morocco “the only rational solution” - 9/3/2007

The region of an autonomous Sahara and integral part of Morocco “remains the only rational solution” to the question of Sahara, and also “the most certain” from the international geopolitical point of view, considers the foreign policy research institute

“For how long Algeria, which is still under the Islamic menace, and does not get anymore political support from the ex- soviet bloc, and the non –aligned movement, remains guided by its unrealistic aims in the region, such as access to the Atlantic ocean, at the expense of its national security, which requires cooperation with its neighbour country, Morocco” a question asked by the foreign policy research institute, in its recent study about the western Sahara conflict

The persistence of the Sahara conflict in the international agenda, noticed the study, constitutes an after effect of the cold war  It is notable that a  tight cooperation between Algiers and Rabat to face the terrorist threat will be clearly in the interest of both countries

As to Michael Radu the author of this study, the question of Western Sahara region, and the Polisario “weakened by internal dissensions, are an after effect of a completed era which should be buried”, he added that the US after the 11th of September, sees the threat of another slough jihadist in Africa, in addition to the sahel and Somalia as a “serious enough to justify the American pressure in favour of a final settlement of the Sahara issue”.

“An independent and vulnerable entity, in a dangerous environment, will be an ideal theatre for the islamists in order to establish their basis on the Sahel region” such possibility will help the creation “of another Somalia at the extreme west of Sahara” the author insisted in his study.

Michael Radu notes in his study the siege imposed on the populations in Tindouf camps by the Polisario, and the Algerian military security forces, he reminded that the separatist movement is led, since 1978 by the same person, called Mohamed Abdelaziz, and compared the pseudo “RASD” to “a potemkine village”.

The study equally criticises the restrictions imposed by the Polisario to foreigners to have access to the refugee camps , including the high commissioner of the UN for refugees, as well as a lack of transparency in terms of distributing the humanitarian aids , because of the corruption creeping among the separatists officials.

The fact that Algeria practices the instigation of all operations led by the Polisario inside the camps and abroad, raises doubts about the ability and the willingness of the separatists to run a state without the interference of algeirs,underlines the study. Equally the study points up the Moroccan national unanimity concerning the Sahara issue.

The author of he study notes, that the decision of the organization of the African unity to accept the pseudo- “RASD”as a member of the organization, was taken under the influence of the “radical states”, he added that since the fall of the Berlin wall, the number of countries which recognized the “RASD” has seriously crumbled, from 79 to 36 countries

To conclude, the Polisario and the Sahara conflict are clearly the after-effects of the past ideologies which “go against the stream and against the economic and security realities”

“News and events concerning Western Sahara issue”

Other sources :

7 septembre 2007

El periódico " Al Hayat " pone de relieve el desarrollo urbanístico de la ciudad de Layune - 07/09/2007

Todo visitante de Layune  queda sorprendido por el desarrollo urbanístico de esta ciudad, la más grande del Sáhara, informa el miércoles el periódico "Al Hayat".

En un articulo de su enviado especial a Marruecos, Kamil Taouil, el diario escribe  que " la construcción de viviendas se prosigue hacia el este con destinación a la ciudad de Smara, mientras que en el oeste de la ciudad importantes proyectos turísticos son en auge ".

"Al Hayat" revela que la dinámica importante iniciada  en la ciudad tomando en consideración la gran afluencia que conocen sus principales arterias.

Evocando el escrutinio legislativo del 7 de septiembre, el periódico, que cita a politólogos sahrauis, subraya que los habitantes de Layune muestran un interés particular en la campaña electoral. " Estas elecciones consagrarán la elección de la iniciativa marroquí de autonomía en el Sáhara "  como una solución idónea a esta cuestión sostienen.

La participación popular en este escrutinio legislativo será indiscutiblemente " un apoyo fuerte " a esta iniciativa, escribe el diario, citando a politólogos de la ciudad.

- Noticia relativa  a la cuestión  del Sáhara occidental-

Fuentes :

7 septembre 2007

Un Sahara occidental autonome et partie intégrante du Maroc, "seule solution rationnelle" - 03/09/2007

Une région du Sahara autonome et partie intégrante du Maroc "reste la seule solution rationnelle" à la question du Sahara, mais aussi "la plus sûre" du point de vue de la géopolitique internationale, estime l'Institut américain de recherche de politique étrangère (Foreign Policy Research Institute).

"Pour combien de temps encore l'Algérie, toujours sous la menace des islamistes et ne bénéficiant plus du soutien politique de l'ancien bloc soviétique et du Mouvement des non-alignés, restera-t-elle guidée par ses visées irréalistes dans la région, tel que l'accès à l'océan Atlantique, au détriment de sa sécurité nationale qui exige la coopération avec son voisin, le Maroc", s'interroge le Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI), dans une récente étude sur le conflit du Sahara.

La persistance du conflit du Sahara sur l'agenda international, relève l'étude, constitue une séquelle de la guerre froide, sur fond de calculs hégémonistes de l'Algérie, notant toutefois qu'une étroite coopération entre Alger et Rabat, pour faire face à la menace terroriste, serait clairement dans l'intérêt des deux pays.

Pour Michael Radu, l'auteur de cette étude, la question du Sahara occidental et le Polisario, lui même, "affaibli par des dissensions internes, sont les séquelles d'une ère révolue qu'il convient d'enterrer", ajoutant que pour les Etats Unis de l'après 11 septembre, la menace d'un autre bourbier jihadiste en Afrique, en plus du Sahel et de la Somalie, est "suffisamment sérieuse pour justifier les pressions de Washington en faveur d'un règlement durable de la question du Sahara".

"Une entité indépendante et vulnérable, dans un environnement dangereux, serait un théâtre idéal pour les islamistes afin d'établir leurs bases au Sahel, constituant ainsi une menace supplémentaire pour l'ensemble de la région", ajoute l'étude. Une telle éventualité équivaudrait à la création "d'une autre Somalie à l'extrême ouest du Sahara", met en garde l'auteur de l'étude.

Michael Radu relève, d'autre part, le siège imposé aux populations des camps de Tindouf par le Polisario et la sécurité militaire algérienne, rappelant que le mouvement séparatiste est dirigé depuis 1978 par une même personne, le dénommé Mohamed Abdelaziz et comparant la pseudo "RASD" à un "village de Potemkine".

L'étude critique également les restrictions imposées par le Polisario à l'accès des étrangers aux camps, y compris le Haut commissaire des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés, ainsi que le manque de transparence dans la distribution de l'aide humanitaire, sur fond de corruption rampante parmi les dirigeants des séparatistes.

Le fait que l'Algérie soit l'instigatrice de toutes les opérations menées par le Polisario, aussi bien à l'intérieur des camps de Tindouf comme à l'étranger, met en doute la capacité et la volonté des séparatistes à diriger un Etat sans l'ingérence d'Alger, souligne l'étude.

Parallèlement, le texte met en exergue l'unanimité nationale dont fait l'objet la question du Sahara au sein de toutes les composantes de la société marocaine, y compris les partis de l'opposition.

L'auteur de l'étude note, par ailleurs, que la décision de la défunte Organisation de l'Unité Africaine (OUA) d'accepter en son sein la pseudo "RASD" a été prise sous l'influence des "Etats radicaux", faisant remarquer que depuis la chute du mur de Berlin le nombre de pays reconnaissant la "RASD" s'est sérieusement effrité, passant de 79 à 36 pays.

Et de conclure que le Polisario et le conflit du Sahara sont manifestement les séquelles d'idéologies passéistes qui "vont à contre courant du bon sens et des réalités économiques et sécuritaires ".

Source :
- Actualité concernant la question du Sahara occidental -

Autres sources :

29 août 2007

Ban-Ki-mon declara que la resolución de la cuestión del Sáhara occidental es una de sus prioridades - 29/08/2007

El secretario general de la ONU, Ban Ki-moon, declaró ayer que la resolución de la cuestión del Sáhara, que opone desde 1975 Marruecos al "Polisario", es una de las prioridades de su mandato.

En un discurso en la apertura de un debate del Consejo de Seguridad sobre la prevención de los conflictos en África, Ban Ki-moon indicó que la solución de los conflictos más difíciles en África figura al frente de sus prioridades.

Una mayor inversión en términos de prevención "podría ahorrarnos sufrimientos y recursos considerables en Darfur, Somalia, República democrática de Congo, Norte de Uganda, Sáhara occidental y en otras partes", agregó. 

La ONU ha auspiciado las negociaciones directas que celebraron Marruecos y el +Polisarios+ en Manhasset (cerca de Nueva York), en junio y agosto para encontrar una solución política definitiva a la cuestión del Sáhara.

Una tercera ronda de negociaciones tendrá lugar en una fecha y un lugar que serán fijados posteriormente.

Marruecos había presentado en abril  pasado a la ONU un proyecto de autonomía para el Sáhara como base para alcanzar una solución política definitiva a este conflicto, que le opone desde hace más de 30 años a los separatistas del +Polisario+, apoyados por Argel.

El proyecto concede a la población saharaui amplias competencias en el ejercicio de sus asuntos locales en el marco de la soberanía y la integridad territorial del Reino.

Fuente: MAP
-Noticia relativa a la cuestión del Sahara Occidental-

Fuentes :

29 août 2007

Ban says Western Sahara issue among UN top priorities - 8/29/2007

United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon underlined, here Tuesday, that the settlement of the Sahara issue, which opposes Morocco to the Algeria-backed Polisario separatists, is among the priorities in his mandate

I have made it clear that the resolution of Africa's most difficult conflicts is a top priority" the UN chief stressed at a Security Council open debate on conflict prevention and resolution, particularly in Africa. "A greater investment in prevention could save us considerable pain and expense - in Darfur, in Somalia, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Northern Uganda, in Western Sahara and elsewhere," he said.

The Sahara dispute broke out in 1976 when Polisario laid claims to Morocco's Southern Provinces (the Sahara). The former Spanish colony was ceded to the North African country under the 1975 Madrid Accord.

Calling for devoting more resources and strengthening mediation to prevent conflicts, Mr. Ban underlined that “it is only through political settlements that conflicts can be resolved.”

The UN has recently sponsored two rounds of talks held in Manhasset (New York outskirts in June and August) between Morocco and the Polisario in accordance with a Security Council resolution that called on the disputing parties to hold direct negotiations “in good faith and without preconditions.”

The latest round, which took place on August 10-11, wrapped up with the parties agreeing that the status quo is unacceptable and the process of negotiations will continue, UNSG Personal Envoy, Peter Van Walsum said. Morocco has presented a proposal to grant autonomy to the disputed territory, an initiative that was described as "serious and credible" by the five-member countries of the Security Council, and backed by other influential capitals.

The UN chief pledged to continue the efforts of the international organization in conflict solving and mediation, announcing that he will shortly present proposals for strengthening the capabilities of the Department of Political Affairs, “with the goal of making more effective use of my good offices.”

“I believe in engagement and dialogue, not confrontation,” he concluded.

Source :
-News and events concerning Western Sahara issue-

Other sources :

29 août 2007

La résolution de la question du Sahara occidental parmi les priorités de Ban Ki-moon - 29/08/2007

Le secrétaire général de l'ONU, M. Ban Ki-moon a affirmé, mardi, que la résolution de la question du Sahara figure parmi les priorités de son mandat.

Dans un discours à l'ouverture d'un débat du Conseil de sécurité sur la prévention des conflits en Afrique, M. Ban Ki-moon a indiqué que le règlement des conflits les plus difficiles en Afrique arrive en tête de ses priorités, soulignant qu'un plus grand investissement en termes de prévention "pourrait nous épargner des souffrances et des ressources considérables au Darfour, en Somalie, en République démocratique du Congo, au Nord de l'Ouganda, au Sahara occidental et ailleurs".

Il a annoncé, à ce propos, qu'il ferait des propositions en vue de renforcer les capacités des Nations Unies dans les domaines de la médiation, ajoutant qu'il soumettrait à la 62-ème session de l'Assemblée générale son rapport sur les causes des conflits et la promotion de la paix et du développement durables en Afrique.

"Je recommanderai un réexamen global des recommandations (présentées par Kofi Annan) en 1998, qui couvrira les engagements pris, les actions entreprises, les progrès réalisés et les enseignements tirés", a dit M. Ban Ki-moon.

Et d'ajouter qu'il allait faire également des propositions pour un renforcement des capacités du Département des affaires politiques de l'ONU avec pour objectif de "tirer un meilleur parti" de ses "bons offices".

Source : MAP

- Actualité concernant la question du Sahara occidental -

Autres sources :

28 août 2007

Polisario vende agua y el ejército argelino lo distribuye para contener el descontento de ... - 17/08/2007

Desde el principio de verano se constató que el suministro de agua para los retenidos  prohibidos de regresar a su patria en los campamentos de (Laayun, Smara, Ausserd, Dakhla y veintisiete) situados alrededor de Tinduf, se hace, por primera vez, por cisternas del ejército  argelino en vez de las cisternas concedidas al Polisario por las organizaciones Humanitarias.

Nuestras fuentes afirman que la intervención del ejército argelino se debe al hecho de que algunos líderes del Polisario recurren a la venta del agua a los habitantes de los campamentos al precio de 200 dinares argelinos (2Euros) por cinco metros cúbicos.

Esta situación llevó, desde el principio del verano, al ejército  argelino a distribuir directamente el agua para  evitar todo levantamiento contra el Polisario.

Cabe señalar  que el ejército argelino movilizó para esta operación 27 camiones cisternas, cada uno para una circunscripción, dos veces al día (mañana y tarde) sabiendo que los cinco campamentos de retenidos se reparten en 27 circunscripciones.

Este fenómeno demuestra claramente el uso sistemático por parte del Polisario de los campamentos para fines comerciales, incluso si se trata de una materia vital como el agua y en pleno verano.

Este comportamiento refleja indiscutiblemente la quiebra del frente Polisario y de su dirección.

Fuente : Corcas

- Noticia relativa a la cuestión del Sahara occidental -

Fuentes :

28 août 2007

Polisario sells water and the Algerian army distributes it to contain the unrest of retained people in Tindouf camps - 8/17/2007

Since the beginning of this summer, it has been noticed that the supply of water for the retained sahraouis forbidden to join their homeland in the camps of: laayoune, Smara, Ausserd, Dakhla, and twenty seven, situated in the outskirt of Tindouf is done, for the first time by the Algerian army tanks instead of tanks given by humanitarian organizations to the Polisario front.

Our sources confirmed that the intervention of the Algerian army came as a result to the fact that some of the Polisario leaders are selling water to the inhabitants of the camps, asking for 200 Algerian dinars (2 euros) for each five cubic metres.

This situation led, since the beginning of summer time, the Algerian army to directly distribute water in order to avoid any uprising against the polsario front.

It is notable that the Algerian army called up 27 tankers for this operation 27 , each one for one district twice a day (morning and afternoon); knowing that the five camps of retained sahraouis are divided into 27 districts.

This phenomenon shows clearly the Polisario’constant use of the camps for business and trade purposes, even if it deals with vital matters such as water in the heart of summer time.
This behaviour reflects in no doubt the failure of the Polsario front and its leadership.

Source : CORCAS

-News and events concerning Western sahara issue-

Other sources :

28 août 2007

Mauritanian leader calls for consensus-based solution to Western Sahara dispute - 8/23/2007

Mauritanian President, Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdellahi, has called for a consensus-based solution to the Sahara dispute opposing Morocco to the Algerian-backed separatist movement "Polisario".

The Sahara issue is of "high interest for us and we are watching closely its developments" the Mauritanian leader was quoted by the local media as saying in an interview with the German TV "Deutsche Welle".

Mauritania's stance consists in "keeping good relations with our Northern neighbors, Morocco and Algeria," Cheikh Abdellahi said adding that, based on this principle, his country "has constantly backed consensus-based solutions." "It is this stance that the Mauritanian delegation was entrusted with defending" during the two-round negotiations on the Sahara issue, held on June 18-19 and August 10-11 in Manhasset, outskirts of New York, under the auspices of the United Nations.

This is the first time that the Mauritanian president reacts to the Manhasset talks that were attended by Algeria and Mauritania. Both countries were consulted separately by the talks facilitator, Peter Van Walsum, UN Personal Envoy to the Sahara.

A Spanish colony until 1975, the Sahara was ceded to Morocco and Mauritania under the Madrid Accords. Four years later, Mauritania relinquished the Oued Eddahab Province (Rio de Oro) and handed its control to Morocco, enabling thus the North African country retrieve the whole of its Southern provinces.

The latest round of talks wrapped up with the parties agreeing that the status quo is unacceptable and the process of negotiations will continue, Mr. Walsum said at the end of the second round during which Morocco presented a proposal to grant autonomy to the disputed territory, an initiative that was described as "serious and credible" by the five-member countries of the Security Council, and backed by other influential capitals.

Source : MAP
-News and events concerning Western Sahara issue-

Other sources :

28 août 2007

Total failure of the Polisario to impose new sanctions - 8/24/2007

Since the beginning of august the leadership of Polisario decided to deprive the inhabitants of Tindouf camps of Algerian passports, and necessary visas to travel abroad. (It is worth mentioning that these documents are delivered through the Polisario leadership)

The polisario leadership gave firm instructions to its representatives abroad, and to the security services in charge of controlling the camps, to make sure that this abusive decision will be put into practice as from 15th of august until January 2008.


The circulation of this news led to a general anger among the inhabitants of the camps, and also among an important part of the polisario leadership, which did not participate in the elaboration of such decision.


Following reactions of discontent and hostility, the camp populations have rejected the decision aiming at preventing the freedom of circulation, contrary to the basic principles of human rights. The Polisario leadership was forced to rapidly give up  its unjust decision aiming at maintaining the blockade imposed on the Sahraouis forbidden to go back to their homeland.


The Polisario decision to withdraw its unjust option reveals the incapacity of its leadership to take such inhuman decisions aiming at reinforcing the blockade imposed on the refugee camp populations, and to prevent them from freely deciding their own destiny.


The non application of such villain decision is in fact a great victory to the camps populations, which demonstrates their willingness to liberate themselves from the unilateral, totalitarian, and inhuman decisions taken by some leaders of the Polsario front who monopolize power within polisario front.


Our hope is that the camp population’s resistance and the complete rejection of the arbitrary and inhuman decisions of the Polisario Front will led to a new era of liberation of all Sahraouis from the domination practiced by some members of the Polisario leadership, who prevent them from returning, peacefully to their home, and their homeland.


This inhuman development is added to another one which was made public on the CORCAS political site (see: on the 17th of august 2007; concerning the intervention of the Algerian army  as a result to the decision of some leaders of the Polisario front  to sell water to the populations of the camps. The Algerian army directly distributes water in order to avoid any uprising against the Polsario front.


These permanent attempts made by the Polisario front, in order to tighten their control over Tindouf camps, and impose a non stop sanctions on its populations; clearly demonstrates the failure and incoherence which characterize the Polisario’s leadership behaviour.


Source: CORCAS
-News and events concerning Western Sahara issue-

Other sources :


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Le blog du Sahara Occidental / Western Sahara Blog
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